Care Your Nutrition




As it is known that Glycose which is the fuel for our energy ,is stored in our livers and muscles in order to be distributed to all our cells in form of Glycogen when we needed

Therefore it is very important to support our glucose levels by carbohydrated foods especially when we need energy

On the other hand ,

.Experts say that the protein-rich foods are the source of “amino acids” which are responsible for our muscler systems to rebuild micro-tears which might be occured after heavy sport activities.


In these respects we should always remember that the protein and carbohydrated foods are our valuable fuels which can be used  as energy bank  in our heavy sport activities like skiing and snowboarding

Scientific researches also shows that performing sport activities like skiing and snowboarding without sufficent protein and carbohydrate intake can be reason for more fatigue, poor coordination ,loss of controll due to weakness in leg nevre muscles and joints


In addition to above,we also would like to remind you that choosing unsaturated fats during your protein and carbohydrates intake will help you alot for easy digestion .


Have Great Health and Fun