How To Choose Your Skis

Which ski I should have to use ? This is one of the common  question when some body never skied  before but recently decided to do so.

Or skiers whom may have good experience in skiing ;but can not decide on ski types .

Answer to these questions may differ in according to individual preference ; However the  answer in technicaly should be find out  in according to your answer to your ski levels first.

As a beginner, do you prefer to ski on easy and low slopes by glide down in slow and moderate  speeds ?


Are you planning performance skiing on slightly steeper slopes and pistes ?


As an experienced skier, do you prefer to speed away on untouched snowy terrains ?

On the other hand ,beside your ski level ; You height and weight aslo important criterias when you are choosing your skis

In this respect ,it will be very beneficial to check below tables prepared for your information to choose right skis what you exatly needed

  • (see Table 1 ) : Choose your skis according to ski levels
  • (see Table 2 ) : Ski lenght of adults according to height
  • (see Table 3 ) : Ski lenght of Adults according to weight
  • (see Table 4 ) : Ski lenght of childeren according to weight and height

Especially the technological developments in recent year have had a positive impact on the ski manufaturing sector,and it has become possible to reach wide-range of products ever before.

In this sense while some ski types used until a few years ago are disappeared and new generation skis have started to take their place.

Instead of long ski height, the new generation skis are a bit shorter and have deeper edge cuts which made skiers to give up their old habits and become favorite for beginners with its features providing more balanced and better grip on snow ground while providing easy turnings.

In respect of the changes mentioned in above skiers height has sometimes become no more base value ,but skiers weight start becoming value to be considered when choosing ski lenghts

Another point has to be remember is “flex “ value of the skis which shows flexibility of the skis. Flex value can be determined in according to weight of skier and always inversely relation with weight of skier. It means, skiers who has heavy weight  has to choose small flex value.